
mardi 24 décembre 2013

petite Recherche sur un robot qui se deplace dans un labyrinthe

Matériel requis:

• Châssis
• 2 moteurs à courant continu
• 2 Roues
• 1 Castor roue
Quelque exemplaire de robot

REMARQUE:le cahier de charge est changé *-Le robot doit être autonome.
*Le robot doit être de moins de 2 kg la partie commande n’étant pas comptée dans le poids du
* -Les dimensions maximales du robot sont 20 x 20 cm avec hauteur de 20cm en action.
concernat le chassis on peut choisir

mercredi 11 décembre 2013

10 Useful Cloud Computing Certifications

 The cloud is becoming crucial to IT departments and businesses globally. For determining if you have the right skills or knowledge in a competitive job environment, it is a great idea to acquire an extra edge via cloud certification.Cloud Computing, Certifications, Career, CCSK, Cloud U, Professional, IBM, Solution, Business, Certified

As cited on, here are ten cloud computing certifications that you can opt for -

1. CCSK - Cloud Security Alliance - This is vendor-neutral certifying competency in key cloud security areas. The test is focused on the Cloud Security Alliance Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing V3, English language version, and the ENISA report "Cloud Computing: Benefits, Risks and Recommendations forInformation Security."

2. Cloud U – Rackspace – This is a vendor-neutral curriculum designed for IT professionals and business leaders covering and certifying knowledge of the basics of Cloud Computing. Cloud U content is there for any professional at any time. In the event of a formal recognition of your knowledge about Cloud Computing, you must complete the courses and pre-requisites for a certificate.

3. CompTIA Cloud Essentials - Comp TIA – As per CompTIA, this encompasses the basics of cloud computing and demonstrates that individuals understand cloud computing from both a business and a technical viewpoint. The certification also encompasses migration to the cloud and governance of cloud computing environments.

4. Cloud Certified Professional - – This offers a number of vendor-neutral cloud certifications based on a one-day course module aiming at competency in certain areas of cloud computing. It includes certificates for Cloud Architects, Cloud Technology Professionals, Cloud Governance, and Cloud security, among others.

5 & 6. IBM Certified Cloud Solution Architect v1 and v3 – IBM -IBM comprises of two cloud-specific certification: IBM Certified Solution Architect v1 and v3. These solutions architects will showcase the design, plan, architecture and management capabilities for IBM's cloud computing infrastructure once completed. As per IBM, these certifications, "Provide a reliable, valid and fair method of assessing skills and knowledge; provide IBM a method of building and validating the skills of individuals and organizations; and to develop a loyal community of highly skilled certified professionals."

7. Google Certified Deployment Specialist – Google – This is Google's technical certification covering the basic skills, knowledge and technical expertise needed to deploy Google Apps for Business and Education, as stated by Google.

8. Certified Professional - - This provides many certification tracks, including Salesforce Administrator, Developer, Implementation Expert, and Architect.

9. VMware Certified Professional – Vmware - The virtualization leader provides six cloud-specific certifications, from beginner to advanced. These tracks certify knowledge and expertise in a variety of cloud and virtualization-related technologies and methodologies. It offers the VMware Certified Associate -- Cloud, VMware Certified Professional -- Cloud, and VMware Certified Advanced Professional, among others.

10. Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Infrastructure-as-a-Service - Red Hat - The certificate measures professionals' ability to design, build, deploy and manage private clouds based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack platform.

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